Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How to Set Up Your Ebook Business As You Are Writing Your Ebook

by Connie Ragen Green

Writing your eBook is just one piece of the internet marketing puzzle you will need to have in place in order to build a profitable online business. The fastest and easiest way to be profitable with an eBook based business is to set up each of the necessary pieces as you are going along with the eBook writing process.

When you have done your research and know exactly what your eBook will be about and who you will be marketing it to online, purchase a domain name and set up a hosting account to go with it. If at all possible, buy the domain name that is the title of your eBook. This will make it easier for people to find you as you work your way through the process.

As soon as you have outlined your eBook, start working on the sales letter. This is the web copy you will use to sell your eBook on the internet. It is beneficial to write this sales letter as you write your eBook, so that you can easily make references to the benefits the reader will gain by purchasing and reading your eBook on your niche topic.

You will also want to write articles to submit to the article directories and set up a blog on your niche topic while you are writing, so that your marketing campaign will be in place from the very beginning. Once you have everything in place and your eBook is completed, you will be able to build passive income for many years to come.

And now I invite you to join me for free weekly teleseminars that will teach you how to write, market, and sell your articles and ebook to increase your visibility, credibility and passive income by visiting

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